Stephany’s Instagram account is not longer available. I am not sure if it was taken down by Stephany herself or if Instagram took it down. Her OnlyFans became private as well. You can not find it anymore unless you are subscribed to her. Her Twitter is still up with nothing changed, and her Facebook is unchanged as well.
One way or another, this is a step in the right direction whether it was by her or some outside forces. Either way, she really should not be taking care of children. Her judgement is nonexistent. Drugs will do that to you, make you think that doing really fucked up things is totally normal.
I made this post out of concern for some children that appear to be in a rather vulnerable situation with some really rather clueless and dangerous parents that are career criminals with a history of heroin abuse and pedophilia.
I debated on if I should create this post about Stephany and had even forgotten about her and moved on with my life. But then out of nowhere, Stephany’s friend and sister had to come insulting me and thinking they can demand me to not say mean things about Stephany, even though I never publicly identified her by name. Idiots. Their choice to come and attack me told me that there was more under the surface that I had not seen yet in my simple search. So I dug deeper, and after what I found out about Stephany, I knew I had to expose this piece of trash.
So Stephany, you can thank your sister and friend for deciding to poke a sleeping bear. The Streisand Effect. The whole slew of you are absolute morons.
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On November 25th, 2022, Ernest Martinez was caught by Shanda and Eric of PCM/PCI. Ernest was subsequently arrested. It was learned during the catch that Ernest has 6 children! Some of these children are around the age of the decoy, and that is disturbing enough.
I was made aware that Ernest‘s girlfriend, Stephany Fontanini, has an OnlyFans account. Now, that alone is not reason for concern. I have absolutely no issue with how stupidly people want to degrade themselves for dirty money. They are the ones that have to live with it. But what Stephany is doing here is beyond stupid, it is downright dangerous.
Putting their children in danger
Stephany uses her real life name for her OnlyFans account and she advertises her Thottery right alongside pictures of her children on her personal Instagram account and her Twitter (A) account.
How can someone be THIS stupid? And if you take a close look at the dates on her tweets, she made two tweets on July 23rd about her OnlyFans, and then on the same day tweeted a picture of her children that is on her personal Instagram account…. that she also advertises her OnlyFans on. The very first post on both her Instagram and her Twitter was on July 19th, 2022. She created both her Instagram and Twitter accounts just for the purpose of advertising her OnlyFans.
…So why include pictures of her children?
Stephany’s friends and family fail to see why this is a problem.
Let me spell it out for the mentally handicapped here. First, mixing ANYTHING that is sexual with children is just flat WRONG! Advertising your OnlyFans in the same place that you post pictures of your children is WRONG!
Anyone with a working brain would use an alias for their online whoring. Only an absolute idiot would use their real life name with their OnlyFans account. The reason being is because now any sexually frustrated idiot that falls in love with this hoe can easily find out where she lives and all her social media accounts. Now, what if one of these crazy people decides to go to her home, or is also a pedophile like her still current fiancé, Ernest Martinez?
This is just fucked up on so many different levels.
And being that her Ernest IS a pedophile, and that Stephany posts pictures of her kids right in between her OF advertisements, what she is doing here is extremely dangerous and beyond stupid.
What concerns me the absolute most with all of this is that Stephany created her Twitter account strictly to advertise her OnlyFans page. When she created the Twitter account in July of 2022, Stephany wrote “Onlyfans coming soon….!!!”, and then proceeded to quickly dump a bunch of pictures from her Instagram account onto her Twitter. Then she started advertising her OnlyFans on her Twitter, but sandwiched pictures of her children in between the OnlyFans advertisements. Then on her OnlyFans page, she links directly back to her Instagram that has the pictures of her children. That is just fucking sick.
Below is a screenshot of Stephany’s Facebook page shortly after Ernest was busted. People were making her aware of what Ernest had done. Stephany has since deleted the comments, but her Facebook page still has all the pictures of Ernest up and still says that she is “Engaged”. But there is even more that bothers me.
People tend to overshare information on social media far too often. Stephany is no different.
It’s bad enough that she puts her date of birth into Facebook, but what is next is just far far worse.
Yes, in the above screenshot, although I have censored it, Stephany posts the FULL name of both her children and even her son’s full date of birth as well!
What makes all of this oh so worse is that Stephany failed to think about the safety and wellbeing of her children in all of this. Surely, in a few years, some kids at school will easily come across Stephany’s online sex work and her children will be ridiculed over it. How embarrassing that will be when the other children at school will point and laugh because all her children’s classmates will have seen their mom’s coochie on the internet. And that is if they even make it that far since Stephany is doing a great job of making herself become a target for sexual predators, and still being engaged with a pedophile and all.
The shittiest thing about all of this is how oblivious these people are to the danger they are putting their children in. Even with Stephany being fully aware of our website and the comment that I made on Ernest‘s post about her OnlyFans, and then even having it out with her sister and friend, Stephany continues to leave her OnlyFans advertisements right next to pictures of her children. She has not made any effort to change anything at all. She has absolutely no shame over her behavior, so why should I?
I at least am censoring out her children’s names and images and I decided to not post her FastPeopleSearch profile on this post. I am putting far more concern for the safety of the children than she is.
Her actions do not surprise me since she was arrested in 2016 for possession and trafficking of heroin. Junkies tend to not have good judgement.
To Stephany
You are entitled to be a skank all you want, but the safety of a child is everybody’s business. I will keep this post up about you until you do the following:
- Remove your OnlyFans advertisements from your personal Instagram and Twitter accounts
- Create an alias to use for your sex work, so an obsessed fan can’t find you in real life
- Break things off with Ernest. Kick him out the door. A pedophile can’t be fixed!
As is, I am going to be reporting you to your local CPS office.
Arrest Records
As mentioned above, Stephany has been arrested for charges that include the possession and trafficking of heroin. Doing a little search for her revealed that she has been arrested at least 10 times. The more information I find out about this piece of trash, the more I become concerned for the children in her care.
The saddest thing about her drug abuse is that it aged her 10 years easily. Stephany looks like she had the potential to be absolutely gorgeous, but traded that for hanging out with thugs and doing bad drugs. I had a close friend that looked strikingly similar to Stephany, but she too also got caught up with heroin and then eventually prostitution. The drug abuse ruined the beauty that she had as well.
Why can’t people just stick to smoking marijuana? I’ve never heard of someone prostituting themselves out for some pot.
Additional Media
Should OnlyFans advertisements and pictures of your children be posted to separate accounts?
- Yes. This is obvious. (93%, 26 Votes)
- No, what is the problem? (7%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 28
Should the children be taken out of Stephany's care?
- Yes. This is obvious. (82%, 23 Votes)
- No, what is the problem? (18%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 28
Full Disclosure: I never thought I would ever make an OnlyFans account or subscribe to one of the e-whores, but I greatly feared that Stephany could have used the daughters on the OnlyFans with the way she placed the pictures of the children between her advertisements seemed rather odd to me. So I created an account and paid the $15 so I could confirm if there were any images of the children on it. $15 is a small price to pay when it is the safety and wellbeing of a child that is on the line. Fortunately there were no images of the children on her OnlyFans, but that does not mean that she didn’t delete them already. Her OnlyFans page has been dormant ever since her last post on July 28th, 2022.
Remember, she did log into her account the morning following Ernest’s arrest, which is also odd. Stephany could have seen that shit was crumbling down and decided to clean up a little before it was discovered. Of course, this is only speculation on my part, but her actions do stand out as extremely peculiar.
At least I got to confirm that she does link back to her personal Instagram account, which is still extremely concerning.
I also got to confirm that there is nothing worth paying for in her OF. All you get to see is a flabby stretch mark stomach and belly button, pics of her in her bra and panties doing stupid poses in a trashy bathroom, and absolutely no nudity. Thank god there was no nudity because I really didn’t want to vomit at this time of night. She is rather nasty. What would you expect from a junkie?
Although I did save all her gross pictures for archival and evidence reasons, I will not share them publicly because they are to be considered Copyrighted, and I don’t care to battle it with OnlyFan’s lawyers over some stupid hoe. If anyone would like to see the pictures then just email me. Don’t waste your $15 on this rundown used flat tire of a skank.