YouTube: High School Teacher On Probation Caught In Forest [ARRESTED] [Virginia]
High School Teacher On Probation Caught Forest [ARRESTED] [Virginia]
๐๐ข๐ฌ๐๐ฅ๐๐ข๐ฆ๐๐ซ: Warning, this content may be disturbing to some viewers, but it is important to bring this issue to light. There is no intention to bully or harass anyone. We do not condone or endorse bullying or harassment. Our goal is to spread awareness, safety, and education about online and internet encounters. This channel does NOT intend to promote dangerous acts, organizations, violence, harassments, or bullying. Our goal is to protect individuals from becoming affected and how they can help individuals who are. Our goal is to protect individuals from becoming affected and how they can help individuals who are.
High School Teacher is on probation because he was caught in a police sting a few years ago. Teacher was fired and suspended from teaching. #Teacher was convicted for his crimes and was placed on #Probation in Virginia . Teacher was caught again but now it was by CC UNIT. Teacher Lured to forest but was confronted by cc unit. After being confronted, High School Teacher denies everything and leaves. Teacher is a convicted offender. After being confronted, Teacher was #ARRESTED by police and taken into #Custody . Teacher is currently in a detention center. Teacher was a #Virginia High School Teacher . Creep is no longer a School Teacher or a College Teacher . Teacher is #189
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March 16, 2021