Another week goes by and we get another week of news!
Chatbox Fixed
As reported last week, and then quickly updated, the chatbox function on the website was broken but has now been fixed. We were previously using the Kiwiirc web client, which had it own set of incompatibilities with our IRC server software. We have switch over to the Mibbit web client and that solved all of our issues. Although Mibbit is not perfect itself, it is a free solution that works. We have updated all links on the website to reflect this.
For those that have an IRC client installed on their PC, like HexChat, our server address is: port 6667
Or port 6697 for SSL (recommended)
You may also visit for a full page view of the Mibbit web client.
For those that are not familiar with our IRC Chatbox, it offers a way for community members to conduct their conversations without the worry of censorship or deplatforming by Big Tech ™.
You do not need to be a member of our website to use our Chatbox.
Recent Catcher and Decoy Postings
In an attempt to kinda of prepare for a future update to the website, fix a little oversite from when we first started, and to also add a nicer widget to list out the catchers and decoys, I spent a bit of time making posts about each catcher and decoy that I previously had not done so for.
Unfortunately, the same information within those posts are also duplicated on individual pages as well. I may or may not take the time to properly combine them on a single post.
Future Site Update
The above image is from our sandbox website that we use to test new features, themes, and services prior to implementing them onto the official website. As you can see, there is quit a lot of changes to the front page, and even a few new features that are hinted at as well.
There may be some feature shown in the screenshot that may not make it to the final update, like the Predator Wiki since it is giving me some issues. There is also a lot of repeated content in this screenshot, it’s still showing using Kiwiirc instead of Mibbit, and that shall not reflect the final update.
There are many more things that we are working on that are not shown in the screenshot, but we can’t wait to show it all off.
But one thing that I am greatly pleased to implement is a plugin that will automatically make posts for each time that catcher or decoy goes live or uploads a video on YouTube. This will save me a bunch of work from having to make all these individual posts myself, and that combined with another feature that will automatically make post to all our social media accounts for every new post to our website can help to make sure that NetPredators is the leading source for all things predator catching related!
This is still a few weeks away from becoming the new look of NetPredators, but changes are coming.
Happy Holidays
From the NetPredators family to yours, we would like to wish you all safe travels and a joyful holiday.
Good job!!